
Identify Your Assets and Gaps: A Foresight Tool for Action

IFTF's Toolkit for the Networked World for its attendees to help them systematically think through what assets their own organizations had lying around which were full of unrealized potential...


How to Search for Signals: Tips & Tricks from IFTF Staff

Do you need a database of weird trends?


Three Powerful Questions to Spark Realistic Hope for the Future

Why do we practice foresight? It helps us anticipate and prepare for future challenges.


Predictions Aren’t the Point: Lessons from Forecasting the Pandemic

Good foresight inspires action, not “wait-and-find-out-what-happens”.


A PLAYBOOK FOR ETHICAL TECHNOLOGY GOVERNANCE: Helping governments anticipate and prepare for unintended consequences of new technology

The daily disinformation campaigns and oppression of algorithmic bias make combining “Ethics” and “Technology” sound like an oxymoron...


The Future as a Way of Life: Alvin Toffler’s Unfinished Business

“Imagine not merely an individual but an entire society..."